Activities first term

We´re going on a bear hunt.

We're goin' on a bear hunt
(We're goin' on a bear hunt)
We're going to catch a big one,
(We're going to catch a big one,)I'm not scared
(I'm not scared)
What a beautiful day!
(What a beautiful day!)
Long wavy grass.
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.
Oh no!
We've got to go through it!
Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!
Chorus: We're going on a bear hunt...
A river!
A deep cold river.
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.
Oh no!
We've got to go through it!
Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!

Chorus: We're going on a bear hunt...
Thick oozy mud.
We can't go over it,
We can't go under it.
Oh no!
We've got to go through it!
Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch!

Chorus: We're going on a bear hunt...
A forest!
A big dark forest.
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.
Oh no!
We've got to go through it!
Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!

Chorus: We're going on a bear hunt...
A snowstorm!
A swirling whirling snowstorm.
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.
Oh no!
We've got to go through it!
Hooo wooo! Hooo wooo! Hooo wooo!

Chorus: We're going on a bear hunt...
A cave!
A narrow gloomy cave.
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.
We've got to go through it!
Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!
One shiny wet nose!
Two big furry ears!
Two big goggly eyes!

Back through the cave!
Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!
Back through the snowstorm!
Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo!
Back through the forest!
Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!
Back through the mud!
Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch!
Back through the river!
Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!
Back through the grass!
Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!
Get to our frontdoor.
Open the door.
Up the stairs
Oh no!


Story : The hare and the turtle

In the world of the animals, there was a very arrogant hare because she said to everyone she was the fastest. That’s why she was always laughing at the slow turtle.
One day, they were talking and it occurred to the turtle to make a strange bet with the hare.
-I’m sure I can win you a race- she said.
- To me?- asked the hare astonished.
-Yes, to you. Let’s put our bet on that stone and let’s see who wins the race.
The hare, very amused, accepted. All the animals met to watch the race. The road and the finishing line were marked. Once it was ready, the race started among big applauses.
Relying on her speed, the hare left the turtle go and she remained lazing about. She had time enough to win such a slow creature!
Then she start running, she run fast as the wind while the turtle went slow but without stopping. At once she went ahead. She stopped next to the road and she sat to rest.
When the turtle passed by her side, the hare made fun of her once more. She left her advantage and set out her quick walk. She did the same several times but, in spite of her mocks, the turtle kept her way until she arrived to the finishing line. When the hare woke up, she ran with all her might but it was too late, the turtle had won the race.
That day was very sad for the hare and she learnt a lesson she would never forget: you must never mock of the others.



The song: The sun comes up!

The Sun comes Up Up Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up

The Rain comes Down Down Down
Down Down Down
Down Down Down
Down Down Down

How's the Weather?
How's the Weather?

It's Sunny

How's the Weather?
How's the Weather?

It's Cloudy

 The Sun comes Up Up Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up

The Rain comes Down Down Down
Down Down Down
Down Down Down
Down Down Down

How's the Weather?
How's the Weather?  

It's Rainy

How's the Weather?
How's the Weather?

It's Snowy

The Sun comes Up Up Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up
Up Up Up

The Rain comes Down Down Down
Down Down Down
Down Down Down
Down Down Down

How's the Weather?
How's the Weather?                                                                                   

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